This ‘new normal’ we are dealing with as a result of the coronavirus is creating challenges for everyone. Health care workers, first responders, delivery drivers, and grocery store workers all have to face risks on the front lines on a daily basis. Small businesses and restaurants have suffered immense losses as a result of business shutdowns and safety restrictions. Athletes and musicians have taken time off from playing events to avoid the gathering of large crowds. Students of all ages have had to revert to homeschooling and online classes, forfeiting graduations they had been looking forward to for years. The list goes on and on. However, we’d like to take some time to consider the more silent heroes during these times, specifically parents and caretakers.
Since schools have shut down, many parents and caretakers have been home alone with their children doing their best to show up while navigating a global crisis. Often, these individuals are also juggling new homeschooling methods, working from home, or financial insecurities as a result of job loss. We can only imagine how overwhelming it must feel trying to manage all of these things while also attempting to maintain some level of mental health and general wellbeing. It’s so important to let these men and women know that we see them and we support them. Here are a few kind ideas for the parents and caretakers in your life!
Stay Connected
It’s easy to get caught up in our own personal struggles. However, taking that extra moment to check up on your friends and loved ones not only helps them, but it also helps you! Take a moment to consider the parents and caretakers in your life and give them a call. Ask them how they are doing and find out if there is anything you can do to help! Kindness is cathartic in times of crisis. Not to mention, it provides opportunities for social connection and service, two things that always keep our spirits up!
Plan a Distanced Get Together
While we can’t spend time with each other in the traditional ways, health restrictions have forced us to get creative in our need for social interaction. What we’ve found is that even if it’s distanced, time spent in the presence of loved ones really does make all the difference. Chances are, the parents and caretakers in your life have been isolated and cooped up at home. Consider planning a distanced get together with them and the kids! Maybe a picnic in the park, or a coffee date in the front yard. The presence of social support is crucial for wellbeing. Plus, the weeks go by easier when there’s something to look forward to on the calendar!
Treat Them to a Hassle-Free Dinner
With so much change taking place as a result of the coronavirus, daily life has become a balancing act, especially for parents and caretakers. Not only are many parents trying to find some sort of routine to get their own work done, but they are also now being asked to learn how to homeschool, all in addition to their normal caretaking responsibilities. Let’s try and make things a bit easier on them by surprising them with a prepared meal or their favorite take-out. It may not sound like much to us, but an evening spent relaxing instead of rushing to get dinner ready could be just what the doctor ordered!
Everyone deserves a break, and parents and caretakers are no exception. Unfortunately, with the long list of people visibly affected by this crisis, these individuals often slide under the radar. If we work together, we can make sure that these heroes receive the appreciation and support that they need, simply by sending small acts of kindness their way.