![Teach Kindness](http://cityofkindness.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Teach-Kindness.jpg)
Random Acts of Kindness Foundation (RAK)
RAK believes the world will be a significantly better place if kindness is spread in schools, communities and homes. RAK provides free K-12 lesson plans to teach Social Emotional Learning skills to students, kindness concepts, assessments and posters.
Resource Download:
Website: https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/for-educators/free-k-12-lesson-plans#lesson-plans-panel
Live Vest Inside
Life Vest Inside empowers and unites the world with Kindness by equipping people with the necessary tools to recognize their own potential to become a catalyst for positive change in the world. Life Vest Inside’s Director of Education, has designed the Kindness Curriculum to intentionally align with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Bloom’s Taxonomy to promote kindness, tolerance, and social interaction to our children. The curriculum includes Units of Study from Kindergarten through Fifth grade and will eventually span to 12th grade.
Resource Download: http://www.lifevestinside.com/product/lvi-kindness-curriculum/
Compassionate Schools Project
The Compassionate Schools Project curriculum, developed by world-class educators, scientists, and practitioners, teaches elementary school students to cultivate focus, resilience, and well-being for academic success. The lessons integrate social and emotional learning, deep self-understanding, stress resiliency skills, mental fitness training, physical regulation and exercise, and nutrition education within a contemplative and compassionate framework based on recent scientific advancements in the understanding of brain function and the body, child and family health, child development, and academic and social functioning.
Rachel’s Challenge programs provide a sustainable, evidence-based framework for positive climate and culture in our schools. Fully implemented, partner schools achieve statistically significant gains in community engagement, faculty/student relationships, leadership potential, and school climate; along with reductions in bullying, alcohol, tobacco and other drug use.
LiveKind™ believes building more healthy communities requires soul searching work. Video-Mirroring™ curriculum, the process of sharing through video, empowers participants to recognize how their words and behaviors impact others, teaches empathy and promotes kinder interactions that build more positive social environments.